Barakah Nuclear Power Plant

Barakah Nuclear Power Plant

Investor Name:
Published Date:
January 1, 1970
About Project

The Barakah Nuclear Power Plant scope of works included extended electrical works on different phases of the project.

Electrical Works for Exposed Conduit & Cable Phase 1 (CP-E1, E2)


SERVICE         :  Electrical Works

VALUE              :  32,300,500

CLIENT            :  Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation

TYPE                 :  Industrial

Electrical Works for Exposed Conduit & Cable Phase 2 (CP-E1, E2)


SERVICE        :  Electrical Works

VALUE             :  27,219,895

CLIENT           :  Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC)

TYPE                :  Industrial

Electrical Works for Equipment & Instrument (CP-E1, E4)


SERVICE        :  Equipment & Instrument

VALUE             :  33,504,647

CLIENT           :  Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC)

TYPE                :  Industrial


The U.A.E.’s first nuclear energy plants are the selected APR1400 nuclear reactors of proven technology that meets the highest international standards for safety, performance and environmental impact.

The APR1400 design was developed by the Korean nuclear industry under the leadership of K.E.P.C.O. over 10 years and licensed by the Korean nuclear safety regulator- Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS). The design is based on the System 80+ design, previously certified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (N.R.C.) in the United States.

Al Barakah holds four APR1400 units which were constructed in South Korea and got connected to the grid by 2013. These units served as the “reference plants” for the U.A.E.

These plants were customized to suit the U.A.E.’s climate conditions and any specific requirements of the U.A.E. nuclear safety regulator, the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (F.A.N.R.).

Kingston contract and commercial services were commissioned in 2012 to assist the Korean Joint Venture; K.E.P.C.O.