Gloucester Fire and Rescue Services PFI
Investor Name:
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About Project
The project of the Gloucester Fire and Rescue Services included building two 4-bay community fire stations in Gloucester by replacing the old 6-bay facility, added a 3-bay community fire station in Cheltenham, underwent an extensive refurbishment / conversion of the current 6-bay station and built a Community Life Skills Centre.
LOCATION : South West England
SERVICE : Transaction Management Consultancy
VALUE : USD 44,555,070
CLIENT : Gloucester Fire and Rescue Authority
TYPE : Community
Kingston was a shareholder in the SPV and a bid manager of the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Services PFI proposal, for four new facilities, with HBOS and Willmott Dixon as joint-equity holders.
Kingston also offered a range of consultancy services to the SPV, including delegating a sustainability advisor, running bank’s due diligence, acting as the employer’s agent, provide cost advice to the SPV, and assigning a C.D.M. coordinator.
The ISOS stage submission of the project took place in December,2008.